An Incredibly Easy New Year's Funnel Using Infusionsoft
Happy New Years!
I hope you had a great holiday. Mine was pretty nice.
Did you start your New Year’s Resolutions yet?
I have and guess what?
This is part of them – to start sharing tips, resources and other content that I think you might find valuable.
So I am starting the New Year with this blog and it’s packed with some stuff I think you’ll find pretty useful.
Let’s kick start this with a free gift for you. (woohoo, a gift!)
Before I hand you this, let me first explain where it came from and what it is.
Nine years ago I was worried that my goals weren’t being achieved fast enough. I was just 15. OK, OK, that part isn’t true. I was actually 31.
Anyways, I was an avid fan of Anthony Robbins (still am) and he had a goal planning training I did.
It was inspirational and it worked.
So IÂ shared what I learned with clients and friends and it began to evolve in to it’s own plan.
Fast forward to today and this goal planning strategy has become it’s own creation with revisions and contributions by some pretty amazing and successful people that have come in to my life.
This is my gift I am giving you today.
It’s a goal planning template that is crazy simple and it works. Now, I like to have fancy names for things because that’s me being a marketer so it’s called the Personal Success Blueprint. Fancy, right? 😉
Click here and download it. It’s all yours for free.
I have something else for you and this time it’s a simple funnel that you can do yourself and you’ll make some loot.
Yesterday I did a training with a business owner in the financial planning industry.
He was asking what would have the most impact for his business without a crazy,complex funnel and having to create a ton of new content.
The solution I provided to him I am going to share with you because it’s simple, you can do it yourself and I promise you it will work.
I first want to say that it’s the New Year. Everyone knows that (duh) but what that means is that buried inside each person’s mind is the chance to do better things, fix issues, grow business, etc, etc.
But no one wants to do anymore work. It’s not that they are lazy, they just don’t always understand what to do or what that action will really produce for them.
Here’s where we start.
Pay attention, this is the funnel and if I were charging a client for this, it’d be $2,000.  Your’s for $0.00. You are welcome.  🙂
You will create one question to ask your database.
That one question should ask them, “If I can do ONE thing to help you [insert your business focus] what would it be?
Here’s an example:
If I can do one thing to help you be healthier this year what would it be?
Click here to provide your answer
I’m sure you guessed this, but you’re going to email your database with a very simple email and ask them that one question. Â You’ll tell them by answering the question you’ve got a cool gift for them. Â That’s the incentive for them to click.
When they click the link to answer that question you will have created a very simple web form that’ll steer them in to your options. Â For my example, I offer lose weight or get stronger. Â As a note, don’t make this convoluted with a bunch of options. Â No more then 3. Â You can also provide them with a text area to write in a response if you want.
The key here is that you tag them based on their response. Â My tags are: Lose Weight and Get Stronger.
OK, so they answer the question, your system sends them the gift. Â In my example I send them a PDF that is the 7 Tips To A Healthier Body in 2016.
You’ll next want to have a path for each response in your form.  See why I said do no more than 3 options?  🙂
The path is a free program that you are to send them that will expand upon what you offered as the free gift (and obviously it has to correlate with their selection).
The paths you create can be the identical series of email copy but a few key sentences can be changed.  My example for lose weight or get stronger options makes little difference for the email copy because they are still going to get the same free program.
The program you create can be as long as you want but I’d suggest keeping it between 5-7 days.  It makes your workload less and still delivers value to the end user.
Since my example is 7 Tips To A Healthier Body in 2016 I will offer 7 emails.  The first one goes out the day after they respond to my form.  They’ll get a new tip each day but here’s the beauty of this.  I am not creating any new content really.
Why? Â Because my PDF top lines each tip. Â The email that covers each tip expands upon that tip.
So each day my email adds more value to the PDF which is tied to their desire for you to help them. Â And each day you are building more and more value.
Dig it? Â Cool.
So once you hit the final quarter of this email series. Â For me, it’s day 5. Â I add a call to action for the recipient. Â It happens to be a special sale available only to those who have responded to my one question. Â The sale is for an existing product I have and it lasts for the next 4 days.
Let’s do the math real quick. Â Day 5 they get the sale offer, my program is 7 days so I make sure the offer is good for 2 additional days of my free program and then is extended for 2 more days.
Here’s why.
Because they may not be ready to pull the trigger and buy from me so guess what? Â I’ve got two more days to wow them with free stuff. Â With the initial free PDF they got, they are 6 deep of free stuff and by the time it’s over they’ll have 8 free pieces of content/knowledge/tips.
Make sure what you are going to sell them actually corresponds with everything you’ve done so far. Â No brainer, right?
Also, make sure that you communicate the following things to these people in your messaging for the sale:
- You’re here to help them. Â You asked, they responded. Â Now you are doing your part to make sure they have a better life/lose/weight/save time (insert solution)
- This is a top priority. Â By them doing this ONE THING they will be happier, have more time with their family, have more money (restate this again but make sure this time you tell them this is Priority #1. You’re anchoring this in their mind for the next points).
- They are not going at this alone. Â You are there to guide them and make sure they can succeed.
- But they need to commit and that commitment is taking action (buy the solution)
- Once they do this one thing (buy) their life gets easier instantly because here’s all the things you get (insert the value or parts of what you’re selling them)
- Once they have done this they can now be part of an engaged community that is also there to support them and encourage them along this journey to success. Â The community, I suggest to you, is for them to engage and talk about this on YOUR Facebook page.
What you will be doing is providing massive value, earning money AND getting your customers to engage on your Facebook page.
Hang tight, Â I’ve got one more thing I want you to do after they buy.
I want you to make sure you tell them they should declare this resolution to their world so they really commit. Â Tell them to hashtag their social media with your special hashtag you created so their posts link back to you. Â PS – you’ll also be promoting this on your social media using this hashtag too.
Following me so far? Â
Cool, so let’s get to what happens if they DON’T take the offer.
You’re going to send them an email and first talk about the feeling of success. Â The joy of achievement and how it feels to start the year off by already accomplishing one of your goals. Â Starting the year off with that kind of momentum can lead to a stellar year.
Next, you’ll take those points I provided above and restate them. Â Then you’ll tell them you want them to succeed, to feel that feeling of accomplishment, of success, of joy.
See what I am doing here? Â
Let’s recap real fast:
Start this email off with a picture painted of positive emotion, the removal of the negative.
- Then transition in to you asked to help, they responded.
- You then started them on the path and offered a solution.
- They aren’t alone and can do it..
So you want them to succeed (going from joy to pain and now coming back to joy)
So you are offering them this solution one more time before it’s gone.
Here’s a quick video on this funnel I just shared with you.
[responsive_video type=’custom_url’]
And that, my friends, is the funnel.
If you have questions, ask me.
If you want help, ask me.
If you do this then please tell me how it went using the comments below.